Fences - movie review


Plot: A working-class African-American father tries to raise his family in the 1950s, while coming to terms with the events of his life.
Cast: Denzel Washington, Viola Davis, Stephen Henderson
Director: Denzel Washington
Certificate: 12A (outdated use of racist language)
Runtime: 2hrs 19 mins
Release Date: Friday 10th February 2017

The finish line is in sight. Only a week remains until the Academy Awards are handed out but lucky for me, that's a week where films can still be released that are in contention for the big awards. Moonlight is the only one I've still got left to see but before all of that, I saw Fences. This is a direct adaptation of August Wilson's acclaimed stage play and Fences rightfully earns its place on this years mantle of nominated films.

Resoundingly, Fences provides some of the greatest acting from an ensemble. End of discussion. If an Oscar was awarded to the great work from an entire cast then it should deservedly be placed in the firm hands of this group of actors. Having starred in these exact roles when the play appeared on Broadway in 2010 and won their respective Tony awards for their performances, Denzel Washington and Viola Davis are both set to possibly win their Oscars next. Denzel plays Troy Maxson, a garbage-man who nearly wound up playing professional baseball but was deemed too old. Maxson harbours this contempt for the world because of his rejection and whilst he acts like a likeable everyday good guy, his anger for never living up to who he could have been is always taken out on his family. Of those nominated in the Best Actor category, I still predict Casey Affleck nabbing the award but know this, do not count out Denzel because he is the closest competition and could easily swipe the award away and I wouldn't be too surprised if that happened. Denzel gives, categorically, the best performance of an already stupendous and prestigious career. He's clearly a master at the art of theatre and successfully transferred and made the alterations for his performance to suit the realm of cinema. In just one scene, Denzel can go from being the most charming man on the block rattling off wild stories and then at a flick of a switch, transforms into a damaged and almost volatile human being who allows pride to become his downfall yet he never treads into a dimension of utter hatred. He is fundamentally flawed but we still appreciate the man and want him to succeed and fulfill his life's ambitions. To be wholly truthful, Denzel blew me away as Maxson and if this was any other year, that Oscar would well and truly be his. 

I'm not a betting man but I would certainly predict Viola Davis receiving the Supporting Actress Oscar. Her and Denzel share the most amazing of chemistry and bounce off one another like a true married couple. Davis' love for her character is beautiful to see and watching her perform is both an honour and a pleasure to experience. She plays Rose, Troy's devoted wife who is the primary affection for Troy's love but sadly, she's also the one he dumps everything on when life isn't working out the way he envisioned. Rose is a character of two halves and subsequently, so is Viola Davis' performance. For the first hour or so, she gives a very quiet and reserved performance allowing Denzel to snap up all of the attention but it was clear to see that Rose was holding something back, as was Davis. Then comes a moment. A moment that immediately places the Oscar in her hand. A moment that the trailers have hinted towards but when you understand the whole story, it's even more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Davis ditches the mild mannered and quiet mother/wife and explodes. For someone to cry as convincingly as Davis can, she tugs on every single heartstring in the audience. She even snot cries. Who can do that and not rightfully earn tremendous praise? It may be Denzel's and Davis' film but there are a few other actors who manage to do just as good of a job building themselves from the work of the two sensational leads. Stephen Henderson makes small regular appearances as Troy's close friend who has brilliant banter with his buddy but Henderson is quite incredible when he's left to witness a family breakdown and all he can do is react. Henderson's mannerisms in those scenes are very well performed. Troy also has two sons, both of whom are great but the better of the two is Jovan Adepo, the younger son who is constantly undermined and unappreciated by his father. I wasn't sure if Adepo could hold his own against the formidable Denzel but this kid works wonders especially in the films conclusion. Mykelti Williamson also makes brief but frequent appearances as Troy's brother who is just the most lovable person you may ever encounter in a film from the past year. Williamson, who we all knew as Bubba from Forrest Gump, is close to earning a Supporting Actor nomination. He portrays a character that most actors would struggle with and to watch this innocent fellow become stuck in a hostile family conflict is saddening.

FACT: August Wilson insisted that a film adaptation of the play, be directed by an African-American.

I may not have seen the Broadway production or read the stage play before seeing this but now I am clamouring to do so. August Wilson is nothing short of a literary Einstein. His wonderfully crafted words have translated in the most perfect way imaginable to the big screen. Fences feels like a piece of theatre only with cinematography and actual real life sets. Apart from that, I could have sworn I was sat in the front row watching these actors perform on stage. In some way, that may seem like this adaptation failed to work as a film but the fact it had the effect to transport me to a theatre, is stunning. With that being said, Fences isn't a film for all. Things that you should know before committing yourself to Fences are as follows; it's long, full of near non-stop dialogue and will not appeal to anyone craving big thrills. The length of Fences wasn't an issue for me but it did feel like two and a half hours. Not over or under the length but precisely the advertised runtime. That meant Fences felt perfect upon leaving because I didn't have the sense like it was elongated nor rushed. I had the sensation that everything it was intending to tell was completed. As for the scenes full of dialogue, that's what made it so compelling to me in the first place. You aren't watching some grand countrywide adventure. It's about a family drama with seemingly small consequences but in actuality, considerable ones for these characters we've become obsessed with. Fences shares many similarities with another play entitled Death Of A Salesman. They both encircle a family who, at first glance, have an ideal life but as time progresses and secrets are revealed, pride is tarnished and relationship become stained. At points, I do think it shares too many similarities with Arthur Miller's iconic work but since it's sharing with the best possible example, then that's hardly a complaint. If starring as the lead wasn't enough, Denzel also directs with absolute professionalism. His simple camera usage, constant motifs such as fencing panels being split in half (foreshadowing the family struggles) and understated inclusion of score all prove that Denzel is equally talented both in front and behind the camera.

Fences is written by a genius, directed by a genius and stars a cast full of geniuses young and experienced. It is a sensational film but a more extravagant piece of cinematic theatre that will leave you moved and astonished. If this was any other year, it could have swept the entirety of the awards but do not sleep on it pulling out some surprises. This is flawlessly made perfection.

My Verdict: 10/10

What did you think of Fences? What is your favourite stage to film adaptation? Sound off in the comments below.

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